September 1, 2022
You Can't Find Time, You Have to Make Time
Krista Beavers

I have people tell me all the time that I do A LOT. I'm a business owner, boss, mom of two boys, wife, friend, daughter, sister, board member on several community boards, active networker, and creator of an online course ... I guess the list of my various roles is pretty long!

What I've learned from managing my very full life is that you can't find time to get it all done ... you have to make time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. And we all get to choose what we do with those 24 hours. We all make time for what's important to us.

Now, I don't want you to think I'm particularly special for doing so much. I'm not. I just have a lot of things ... and a lot of people ... that are important to me.

I adore my wonderfully FULL life and everything and everyone that fills up my days. And trust me, if I can make time for everything, so can you.

I encourage you to do more of what fills you with joy, spend more time with the people you love, make the time to live your life full out and make every minute of every day count.


“No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined, 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences, and 80% by your communication skills.” 

– Anonymous

By far not the most famous quote I have ever read, but absolutely one of the most accurate! Communication is important in all aspects of our business, between fostering working relationships with your team, establishing and maintaining trust with your clients, and, frankly, maintaining a thriving relationship with your spouse, too.

I have found that it is a “skill” that we must continually hone, particularly as we become a more virtual world. So much so that in my book club in November, we will be reading Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John Maxwell.

As the ways in which we can communicate with one another grow (Face-to-Face, Email, Social Media, Messaging, and Video), it feels more important that we learn HOW to communicate with one another. Communication is something we do daily, like breathing, yet many of us still struggle with expressing feelings, passing on information, or sharing thoughts.

How we effectively communicate our conflicts, success, brand, and goals will determine our success!