June 1, 2022
Lean In and Enjoy the Chaos
Krista Beavers

Date: June 1, 2021

Summer can feel chaotic as we struggle to find a balance with kids being home from school, vacations, work that still has to get done, and a multitude of other things that continue to show up on our never-ending to-do lists.

My new mantra is this: Enjoy the chaos!

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, embrace the abundance of life at this time. The chaos of raising kids will be over sooner that you think. Work will always be there in some fashion or another. Things will always need to be crossed off the list, and once you cross them off, more things will be added.

Life is in session, friend!

Imagine what could happen if you took the energy of the chaos and channeled it into taking action toward a goal.

We can often get a lot accomplished in a really short amount of time when we're doing so to make time for other important things (like hanging out in the pool on a hot summer afternoon and evening). And we do need to make time for the important things.

So, I encourage you to maintain your focus on whatever you're doing at any given time.

Focus on work when you're working. Focus on family when you're with your family.

Be present.

Lean in, and enjoy the chaos.

Now, I want to respect your time and attention, so let's get to more of the good stuff ...


It's really difficult to stay on track and achieve your goals if you are not checking your progress along the way. So, big or small, review your goals regularly.

2022 is really flying by! This time of year brings along graduations, weddings, vacations, and the Central Valley summer heat. With all that's going on, it’s easy to get distracted from your personal or professional goals.

Have you set goals for yourself this month, this quarter or this year? I’ve set a few for myself and for my business. I have met some, and I have set some aside. I can only say that because I reviewed the goals I set.

So I ask you this ... when is the last time you looked at your goals? I find that many business owners set goals of the beginning of each year, but they set them and forget them! It’s really difficult to stay on track and achieve your goals if you are not checking your progress along the way. Checking if those goals still fulfill your purpose, if they still fill your needs, or if they still fill your soul.

Your goals can be big or small, but they have to have a purpose or meaning for you to work successfully towards them. If you are setting goals only to set them, then you will not have the desire to achieve them.

I suggest setting time on your calendar to review your goals monthly or quarterly. Review if you are still on track to achieve them or if you they no longer serve you. Review if you have met them and, if you have, celebrate those achievements!

Let me know if I could be of any assistance in getting you there.

How can I help?


I hope you've enjoyed this month's newsletter. Let me know how I can help you further. With gratitude and thanks,

Krista Beavers, Guardian Accounting, Inc