September 1, 2021
Build Your “Executive” Team of Trusted Employees
Krista Beavers

Date: September 1, 2021

Notice Something New?

I've been doing a bit of work ON my business lately, not just working IN my business. And part of that is some updated branding. What do you think of the new look for this newsletter?

I encourage you to schedule time to work on your business, too. It has felt SO GOOD! I feel re-energized and even more joyful and fulfilled with what I do. And don't we all need more of that good stuff to keep us going?

Speaking of stuff that keeps us going, I'm holding an online workshop this month to help you get clarity and develop a strategic plan to move your business forward in the next

3-6 months. It'll be Thursday, Sept. 23, 9am-12:30pm. And it's F*R*E*E! Just register here to get the Zoom meeting link and info.

Now, I want to respect your time and attention, so let's get to more of the good stuff ...


Build an executive team that can help you perform well during the good and bad times.

Many issues vie for our attention, but when we give our attention to too many issues at once, it is often difficult to find our way out!

When CEOs and business owners get stuck in the weeds, they lose the ability to consider the big picture. This is a huge problem. After all, how can a CEO or business owner possibly make decisions for the future when they’re so bogged down in the details of today?

Therefore, build your “executive” team of trusted employees, partners, or contractors that can help you perform well during the good and bad times. When a CEO or business owner trusts that their team is competent and can handle tough issues, they’ll be less likely to try to become the do-it-all CEO. Instead, they can trust the people who work for them and take on fewer tasks, allowing themselves to focus on the big picture.

How can I help?


I hope you've enjoyed this month's newsletter. Let me know how I can help you further. With gratitude and thanks,

Krista Beavers, Guardian Accounting, Inc