November 1, 2021
Propel Your Success as a Leader
Krista Beavers

Date: November 1, 2021

I Have Lots to Be Grateful For, but That's Not What This is About ...

Surprise! Did you expect me to talk about gratitude and being thankful? I am grateful and thankful. For a lot, in fact. But I bet you're hearing that from everyone else, so I thought I'd do something a little different.

Because, you know, that's how I roll sometimes.

I've had quite a few new experiences lately. I'll tell you more about one of them down below. And I've learned that sometimes it's the unexpected things — like Halloween nutcrackers or a November newsletter that isn't about being thankful — that are appreciated the most.

Have you also found this to be true?

This month, while being thankful for all your blessings (which I hope you are all year, not just at Thanksgiving), consider trying something new. And then maybe even DO it!

Like Sam, you may even end up liking green eggs and ham ... whatever that happens to be for you.

Now, I want to respect your time and attention, so let's get to more of the good stuff ...


Laughter and levity is good for business and can propel your success as a leader.

Can laughter and levity REALLY be good for serious business? YES! It turns out it can.

Humor "builds bonds, defuses tension, boosts innovation, and bolsters resilience." That's what research done by behavioral scientists shows. And it's the premise of the book Humor, Seriously.

(Seriously, we're reading it this month in the PWR Up Book Club. See the Recommended Events above.)

The authors, Stanford MBAs who teach at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, say the goal of humor in business isn't necessarily to tell jokes or even be funny, it's to make more human connections during everyday moments.

One easy tip to put humor to work is simply to smile and laugh more.

I'll be working on it myself, so I'd appreciate a warm smile and friendly chuckle the next time we see each other. ©

How can I help?

I hope you've enjoyed this month's newsletter. Let me know how I can help you further. With gratitude and thanks,

Krista Beavers, Guardian Accounting, Inc